Archive & Environment

On the Road    📖 Travels of Jack Kerouac across America   full text

Siddhartha  📖 A Journey to Enlightenment - download the book
The Good Earth  📖 Pearl S Buck   full text

Kim   📖  Rudyard Kipling    full text
Food of the Gods  📖  Terrence McKenna   full text

The Blind Watchmaker  📖  Richard Dawkins   full text

The Moral Animal  📖 Robert Wright   full text

The Doors of Perception 📖 Aldous Huxley   full text

Neuromancer  📖  William Gibson    full text 

Barnsley & Sons toolmakers  Sheffield, England

West 4th Avenue and the 1967 Summer of Love

Mudflats Living

Revolution show flashes back to city's paisley past

The 1971 burning of squats at Maplewood Mudflats

Barbour's linen saddle-stitching cord

My Grandfather’s Old Ram

The Beats

DeLuxe Utopian Vision: Q & A w/Davy

Don Marquis

Jayzey Lynch

How Quirky was Berkeley?

Owsley "Bear” Stanley interview

Cranberry Lake's Summer of Drugs

Mediator Training Manual

Put that Damned Old Mattock Away

2 Years Before the Mast

Across the Atlantic in a Leather Boat

In Praise of Teachers

Birth of the Pender Island Conservancy Association

Red Crow Leather

The entire epidermal layer of your skin turns over every 48 days

The White Darkness  A solitary journey across Antarctica

Crafting a Life

Ecology Links

How to Roast Coffee

The Roast of San Francisco

’Plastic recycling is a myth

Obituary: John Perry Barlow died February 7 2018 

Twelve Million Phones, One Dataset, Zero Privacy 


Ecology Links

Friends of PICA

Birth of PICA

The Taxidermist’s Manual

Ethical Issues in Advanced Artificial Intelligence

Italian Vegetable-Tanned Leather Consortium

Panasonic Lumix GX8

Power for the Pignic  Home Power 1996